Saturday, September 02, 2006

well it turns out we have two more people to our class. i didn't read the textbook but i did read the play. we each split up in to two groups and discussed what kind of ideas we could come up with for our handout....or whatever it's called.

our group came up with:

1. own investigating 3 or 4 fun facts out of the guiness book of world records.

2. do contests afterwards seeing who can exp: hola-hoop the longest, yawning contest, hic-uping contest,

3. come up with supperstitions

4. Sheet of facts too take home to parents

5. key questions/discussion/fill in the blanks

6. monkey project/ sock puppet/ phantominmes/maze

7. techinical name for diseases

8. a fact out of guiness world records and act it out. split up into groups each group perform for the class.

9. make there own play with there own fact to put on for there school

10. breaking there own wolrd/state/school record

11. best impressions exp: struck by lightening

12. back ground info on book of world records

now all i have to do is read the text book, read a play called Zink: the myth, the legend, the zebra. write a paper about it. and memorise i didn't know that